madExcept Settings (Tab 10)

You can click on the tabs in the left side of the image:

custom strings...

All those strings which madExcept might show to the end user at one time or the other can be adjusted on this settings page. Line breaks are basically allowed, although in some cases they are not appropriate (e.g. for the mail subject line).

The strings are saved into your executable file. If you're using translation components/tools to compile your project for multiple languages, that translation tool should be able to automatically translate the madExcept strings for you.

There are several special variables supported, which you can use in the strings, and which will automatically be replaced at runtime by madExcept. Here's a list of the currently supported variables:

variable example
%appname% "Project1.exe"
%modname% "Project2.dll"
%appversion% ""
%modversion% ""
%exceptClass% "EInvalidPointer"
%exceptMsg% "Invalid pointer operation."
%bugReport% (full bug report text)
%errorDetails% (user entered data from DetailsForm)
%lf% (line break)
%date% "2008-01-10"
%time% "12:01:59, 100ms"
%datetime% "2008-01-10, 12:01:59, 100ms"
%userappdata% "C:\Documents and Settings\Current User\Application Data"
%commonappdata% "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data"
%desktop% "C:\Users\User Name\Desktop"