If you want to test whether 2 strings are identical (but case insensitive),
you can either use the well known "SysUtils.CompareText" or you can use the
following function, which is *way* faster than misusing "CompareText"
for this purpose:
function IsTextEqual (const s1, s2: string) : boolean;
IsTextEqual('test123abc', 'test123' ) -> false
IsTextEqual('test123abc', 'Test123ABC') -> true
The problem of "SysUtils.CompareText" is, that special characters like
umlauts or french characters are not handled correctly. Of course you can
use "AnsiCompareText", but that function is quite slow in comparison. My
"CompareText" has none of those problems.
My "CompareStr" is basically identical to "SysUtils.CompareStr", but I've
left it there nevertheless, because importing "SysUtils" in small programs
is generally a bad idea.
function CompareStr (const s1, s2: string) : integer;
function CompareText (const s1, s2: string) : integer;
Sometimes you want to match 2 strings, of which one may contain wildcard
characters. With "Str/TextMatch" you can do such a check easily, and with
quite high speed. "StrMatch" checks case sensitively, while "TextMatch"
checks case insensitively. "FileMatch" works similar to "TextMatch", but
is able to handle the "fileName.ext" logic correctly.
function StrMatch (str, mask: string) : boolean;
function TextMatch (str, mask: string) : boolean;
function FileMatch (file_, mask: string) : boolean;
StrMatch ('test123abc','test???abc') -> true
StrMatch ('test123abc','test?abc' ) -> false
StrMatch ('test123abc','test*abc' ) -> true
StrMatch ('test123abc','TEST*abc' ) -> false
TextMatch ('test123abc','TEST*abc' ) -> true
TextMatch ('test123abc','*.*' ) -> false
FileMatch ('test123abc','*.*' ) -> true
If the capabilities of "Str/TextMatch" are not good enough for you, here are
extended versions of them, which additionally support the syntax
"[!Length:0,1,2,4..7]". It's a bit difficult to explain this
syntax, so please have a look at the examples. I hope they are good enough
to show you how it works.
function StrMatchEx (str, mask: string) : boolean;
function TextMatchEx (str, mask: string) : boolean;
StrMatchEx ('test123abc','test[3:0..9]abc' ) -> true
StrMatchEx ('test123abc','test[3:a..z,A..Z]abc' ) -> false
StrMatchEx ('test123abc','test[!3:a..z,A..Z]abc') -> true
StrMatchEx ('test123abc','test123[3:A,b,C]' ) -> false
TextMatchEx ('test123abc','test123[3:A,b,C]' ) -> true