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The "IShortCut" interface implements functionality for handling shortCuts/shellLinks. It is an encapsulation of the Windows standard "IShellLink" COM object. The functionality is basically the same, but my interface is (of course) much easier to use. A list of methods and properties can be found in the IShortCut Reference.

type IShortCut = interface (IBasic) ['{00BED963-C78D-11D3-A530-00005A180D69}'];

There are multiple ways to get an "IShortCut" instance, e.g. loading an existing shortCut/shellLink file or creating a new one. Besides the in the following box listed functions you can also use IShellObj.NewShortCut and IShellObj.LoadShortCut.

function LoadShortCut (shortCutFile: string) : IShortCut;

function NewShortCut (path         : string        ) : IShortCut; overload;
function NewShortCut (sf           : TSpecialFolder) : IShortCut; overload;
function NewShortCut (const idList : IIDList       ) : IShortCut; overload;
function NewShortCut (const sfi    : IShellFolder  ) : IShortCut; overload;

function ShortCut (const sli: IShellLink) : IShortCut;

If the property "ShortCutFileName" is filled with a specific path, you can call "Save" without any parameters. The property "IsDirty" tells you, whether the "IShortCut" object was modified. If a dirty object gets destroyed, changes are saved automatically - but only, if the property "ShortCutFileName" is filled correctly.

property IShortCut.ShortCutFileName : string;
function IShortCut.IsDirty          : boolean;

function IShortCut.Save (shortCutFileName : string  = '';
                         tryToResolve     : boolean = true) : boolean;

The following 2 properties have basically the same meaning, only the format differs. While one represents the shortCut/shellLink target as a file system path, the other uses an IIDList for that purpose. For non file system objects you should choose the "IDList" property.

property IShortCut.Path   : string;
property IShortCut.IDList : IIDList;

// Example:
LoadShortCut('C:\Notepad.lnk').Path  ->  'C:\Windows\Notepad.exe'

You have easy access to the most important properties of the shortCut/shellLink:

property IShortCut.Description : string;
property IShortCut.Params      : string;
property IShortCut.WorkingDir  : string;
property IShortCut.HotKey      : string;
property IShortCut.ShowCmd     : integer;

// Example:
with NewShortCut('C:\Windows\Notepad.Exe') do begin
  WorkingDir := 'C:\Notepad Documents';

Each shortCut/shellLink can be combined with a specific icon:

property IShortCut.IconPath  : string;
property IShortCut.IconIndex : integer;

function IShortCut.SetIcon   (iconPath  : string;
                              iconIndex : integer) : boolean;

The following function returns a complete TWin32FindData structure for the linked object:

property IShortCut.FindData : TWin32FindData;

The "Resolve" method looks for the linked object and updates the IDList and the icon, if necessary.

function IShortCut.Resolve (parentWnd : cardinal = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
                            timeOut   : word     = 3000                ) : boolean;

The following property gives you access to the Windows standard "IShellLink" COM object, which represents the current shortCut/shellLink.

property IShortCut.IShellLink_ : IShellLink;