
The interface "IShares" implements a collection of some specific IShare objects. A list of methods and properties is contained in the IShares Reference.

type IShares = interface (ICustomBasicList) ['{0E2E3601-4C3A-11D3-A52D-00005A180D69}'];

The function "Shares" lists all shares which have the specified properties:

type TShareType    = (stDisk, stPrinter, stDevice, stIpc);
     TShareTypeSet = set of TShareType;

function Shares (types      : TShareTypeSet = [low(TShareType)..high(TShareType)];
                 path       : string        = '*';
                 serverName : string        = '' ) : IShares;

// Examples:
with Shares([stPrinter]           ) do ...   // list all printer shares
with Shares([stDisk   ], WinFolder) do ...   // list all shares on our Windows folder

The following properties return, what you gave in as parameters when creating the "IShares" list:

property IShares.Types      : TShareTypeSet;
property IShares.Path       : string;
property IShares.ServerName : string;

The items of a "IShares" list are IShare objects. The method "RefreshItems" looks for new/changed/deleted items, that have the specified properties.

property IShares.Items [index: integer] : IShare;

function IShares.RefreshItems : boolean;

The following method deletes all listed shares at once:

function IShares.Delete : boolean;

// Example:
Shares.Delete;  // delete every single share that is installed on our PC

The interface "IShare" implements everything you need when dealing with a single share. A list of functions and properties can be found in the IShare Reference.

type IShare = interface (IBasic) ['{0E2E3600-4C3A-11D3-A52D-00005A180D69}'];

You can either get an "IShare" instance for an existing share or you can create a totally new share with the specified attributes. The attributes "access", "password", "rwPassword", "persist", "system" and "maxUses" are not always available.

type TShareAccess    = (aRead, aWrite, aCreate, aExec, aDelete, aAtrib, aPerm, aFindFirst);
     TShareAccessSet = set of TShareAccess;

function Share    (netName    : string;
                   serverName : string          = ''   ) : IShare;

function NewShare (path       : string;
{ only valid in }  netName    : string;
{ ------------- }  remark     : string          = '';
{ share-level   }  access     : TShareAccessSet = [low(TShareAccess)..high(TShareAccess)];
{ share-level   }  password   : string          = '';
{ share-l. + 9x }  rwPassword : string          = '';
{         win9x }  persist    : boolean         = true;
{         win9x }  system     : boolean         = false;
{         winNT }  maxUses    : integer         = -1;
                   serverName : string          = ''   ) : IShare;

The following properties are valid for every share on every OS. They can't be changed. The property "ServerName" returns on which server this share is installed.

property IShare.Type_      : TShareType;
property IShare.ServerName : string;

The following properties are valid for every share on every OS. You can ask and also change them. However, changing the path or the netname of a share results in that the share internally gets deleted and recreated. In win9x the netname is limited to 12 characters.

property IShare.Path    : string;
property IShare.NetName : string;
property IShare.Remark  : string;

The following properties are only valid, when the server is running with share-level security. The ReadWritePassword furthermore is only valid in win9x.

property IShare.Access            : TShareAccessSet;
property IShare.Password          : string;
property IShare.ReadWritePassword : string;

The following properties are only valid in win9x. "Persist" determines, whether the share will survive system reboot. "System" determines, whether the share is visible in the Explorer.

property IShare.Persist : boolean;
property IShare.System  : boolean;

The following properties are only valid in winNT. "CurrentUses" returns, how often the share is currently used. "MaxUses" determines how often the share may be used at the same time.

property IShare.CurrentUses : integer;
property IShare.MaxUses     : integer;

The property "Refresh" reloads all share properties.

function IShare.Refresh : boolean;

The method "IsDirty" tells you whether there were changes in the current share, that are not flushed yet. The method "Flush" realizes all changes.

function IShare.IsDirty : boolean;
function IShare.Flush   : boolean;

The following methods/properties deal with the security aspects of the current share. You can work with the ISecurityObject of the share or directly with the IAcl of the share.

There's one thing you should know: In winNT each disk share has it's own security. Plus the share's target (e.g. a directory) has also it's own security. The security of the share's target has no effect on the share. In contrast printer shares in winNT and also every kind of shares in win9x have NO own security. Instead they use the security of the share's target. The "SecurityObject" method returns the ISecurityObject that really matters, that is the share's security object for winNT disk shares and the target's security object for winNT printer shares and for all win9x shares. The "Acl" property also gives access to the right IAcl object, of course.

function IShare.SecurityObject : ISecurityObject;
property IShare.Acl            : IAcl;

// Example:
NewShare(WinFolder, 'WinFolder').Acl.SetFileAccess(CurrentUser, true);

The following method deletes the current share.

function IShare.Delete : boolean;

// Example:

The procedure "ClearShareName" shorts "str" (if necessary) in the way so that "str" contains a valid share netname.

procedure ClearShareName (var str: string);

// Examples:
ClearShareName(         'Dämlich, Gunfried'         )  ->           'DÄMLICH· GUN'
ClearShareName('\\server\Dämlich, Gunfried\test.exe')  ->  '\\server\DÄMLICH· GUN\test.exe'