"ProcessFunc" Example 


The following project can also be found in the "Demo" folder:

// ***************************************************************
//  ProcessFunc               version:  1.0   ·  date: 2003-06-15
//  -------------------------------------------------------------
//  simple demo to show process wide function hooking
//  -------------------------------------------------------------
//  Copyright (C) 1999 - 2003 www.madshi.net, All Rights Reserved
// ***************************************************************

// 2003-06-15 1.0  initial release

program ProcessFunc;

{$R ..\mad.res}

uses Windows, madCodeHook, madStrings;

// ***************************************************************

// SomeFunc appends the 2 string parameters and returns the result
function SomeFunc(str1, str2: string) : string;
  result := str1 + str2;

// ***************************************************************

// variable for the "next hook", which we then call in the callback function
// it must have *exactly* the same parameters and calling convention as the
// original function
// besides, it's also the parameter that you need to undo the code hook again
var SomeFuncNextHook : function (str1, str2: string) : string;

// this function is our hook callback function, which will receive
// all calls to the original SomeFunc function, as soon as we've hooked it
// the hook function must have *exactly* the same parameters and calling
// convention as the original function
function SomeFuncHookProc(str1, str2: string) : string;
  // manipulate the input parameters
  str1 := 'blabla';
  str2 := UpStr(str2);
  // now call the original function
  result := SomeFuncNextHook(str1, str2);
  // now we can manipulate the result
  Delete(result, 1, 3);

// ***************************************************************

  // call the original unhooked function and display the result
  MessageBox(0, pchar(SomeFunc('str1', 'str2')), '"str1" + "str2"', 0);
  // now we install our hook on the function ...
  // the to-be-hooked function must fulfill 2 rules
  // (1) the asm code it must be at least 6 bytes long
  // (2) there must not be a jump into the 2-6th byte anywhere in the code
  // if these rules are not fulfilled the hook is not installed
  // because otherwise we would risk "wild" crashes
  HookCode(@SomeFunc, @SomeFuncHookProc, @SomeFuncNextHook);
  // now call the original (but in the meanwhile hooked) function again
  // the displayed result will be different because in our hook function
  // we manipulated the input parameters (and also the result)
  MessageBox(0, pchar(SomeFunc('str1', 'str2')), '"str1" + "str2"', 0);
  // we like clean programming, don't we?
  // so we cleanly unhook again